As i parked the car right next to the road sign saying Nevill road I took my camera and started shooting.
The first image was the bus stop as i saw it after the corner.
Then i decided to picture a bit more of the space surrounding the subject to try to give it a sense of placement.
Then i moved to the right and stopped in the middle of a t-junction shooting the subject frontally in the middle of the frame with two horizontal lines and the lamp posts on the edges of the frame.
I then shot the subject close to the inferior edge of the frame to draw attention to the sky.
For the next frame I zoomed the subject in the centre of the picture isolating it from the surroundings but leaving a bit of horizon to ad a sense of depth.
I then pointed the camera just slightly to the right leaving the subject still in the horizontal middle but to the left vertically giving the frame a slight movement of the eye as the viewer first looks at the bus stop and then to the left of it. To the lamp post and an area of clearance just before it where we see the ocean and the clouds on the horizon.
For the next frame I inclined the camera down on he left side to play with the dynamics of the frame and then photographed a coach obstructing the view on the subject.
Next I framed another photo with the camera inclined down on the left side with a vehicle on road to the left of the subject driving the eye of the viewer to the right, out of the frame. (unfortunately)
For the next frame I crossed the road to the back of the subject, and shot it on a bed of flowers. i photographed the subject high on a portrait frame focusing on the closest flowers as i shot it at f/3.5 the minimum aperture for the distance. i rendered most of the frame out of focus on a failed attempt to get a blurry background but f/3.5 wasn't enough i should be using at least a f/2.8 as it was a wideangle at 18mm. or I should have shot it at f/16 to get everything sharp. as it stands I messed the chance of a great shot, i need to go back a try this photo in the future.
The following frame was taken from the same position but zoomed to fill the frame the subject is diagonally aligned to give it a sense of depth.
For the next photograph I moved to the left until I faced the back of the bus shelter frontally. I released the shutter with the structure on the top half of the portrait frame.
Next I moved to the left of the shelter and shot it diagonally from the back to the side with the sun behind it. This produced too much contrast with the foreground darkened and the cloud area around the sun overexposed. this fact as rendered the image impossible to rescue as the levels are passed the extremes, as i try to correct one it worsens the other.
The next photo was taken a few yards from the last one on the side. here the shelter is low in the frame with the sky occupying the majority of the space and showing the surroundings. the contrast is also extremely high.
This next frame was taken from across the street diagonally to the shelter with lines running through the frame. The subject is centred in the middle of the frame with the sky and the empty road giving a sense of calm and space.
the following frame was taken from the same spot but zoomed in close timing the the capture of the seagull on the right .
this one I took from the same position but with lots of sky and the subject positioned at the bottom giving the idea of space.
Next i step to the left and shot the subject high in the frame with some flowers on the right of the foreground.
For this frame i crossed the street and shot the subject diagonally in centre of the frame.
Then I shot it zoomed in the middle of the frame.
Returning to the beginning of the sequence where in my opinion the frame is more interesting as it gives the location of the subject.