Thursday, 17 June 2010

Project 15: Cropping

This project basically asks for three images taken from cropping  images from our own library. I have taken two crops from photos that I would normally find unsuitable. They were almost thrown in the garbage bin. I have cropped them in a panoramic  format that is not standard, the reason for this was that the original frames were unbalance and the clear space was cut in the cropping, I also converted the image entitled "devils dyke west view" to black and white to emphasise the curves of the footpath on the foreground and give more impact to the image. The third image entitled "brighton pink champagne" was already an ok(ish) frame but the cropping enabled me to align the main subject according to the rule of thirds.

The original file taken at the devil's dyke, an iron age settlement site on the hills of brighton. The photograph was taken at sunset facing west.

"Devils dyke west view"

The original file of the palace pier in brighton. Taken from the marine parade at sunset using a 4 stop neutral density filter.

"Brighton pink champagne"

Water treatment original. This image was taken on a the side of saddlescombe road, just outside of the  devil's dyke road. at sunset.

"Water treatment sepia" A crop with a bit of colour treatment.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Project 14: Vertical and horizontal frames

Hi .
 The project 14 is an exercise of composition and the difference in between  composing photographs in landscape and portrait orientation,  the exercise was simple and i was asked to shot 40 frames in total: 20 in landscape mode and 20 in portrait mode. I shot the same subject  in  pairs, one frame landscape and another  in portrait. we should see the real difference in terms of suitability, aesthetics  and the degree of difficulty in between both modes.
 What i found out is that it is more difficult to shot portrait than landscape both handheld and with the tripod as the adjusting time is longer and it is somehow more difficult to align lines in the frame also it strains the wrists, arms,  neck and eyes. the tripod also takes longer to set up and adjust, with longer lens the images are softer as it is less stable that in landscape mode. the camera displays are also difficult to read and the settings need to be operated intuitively,  not by reading. Portrait mode is most suitable for subjects high in size and to shot scenes where the foreground point of interest is close to the photographer or at a certain vertical distance from the main subject, if the frame is to be composed of only one subject or point of interest it is then best for it to be positioned on the lower part of the frame just below the centre but in that case the subject needs to overpower everything else as it will have to be occupy a considerable chunk of space in the frame to be balanced.  I also verified that the positioning of the horizon line is critical and most problematic if there is no foreground of interest. The elements in a portrait mode frame need to be vertically close enough to be photographed if the frame is to be balanced otherwise the frame should be photographed in landscape mode, which is more suitable to shot things in general as gravity allows things to be positioned to the sides and not so much on top of each other.
 Landscape mode is not very suitable to photograph people as they are of a considerable height  relatively to the distance between them and the camera which needs to be close otherwise the person is going to look very small in the frame. Landscape is often not suitable to isolate the subject at hand in the frame if the subject is high, but otherwise it is ok.


Witches at work, no rest for the wicked.




















Monday, 14 June 2010

project 13: the golden section

For this project it was asked to shoot 6 photographs using the rules of the golden section.  the golden section is a compositional tool used by the author to compose the frame, it says that the proportions  in the frame is such that the ratio in between the small part and the big part is the same as the big part and the all.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

project 11: balance

This project asks us to  analyse six of our own photos for balance the task is to identify the various parts of the frame and sketch a box around the main elements. them draw a scale weighing the balance in the picture.




slightly unbalanced because of the hut on the left hand side of the frame         


Balanced despite the white wall marked on the right blocking the movement of the eye.

This project was quite interesting because balance is determined by a vast array of factors not just left, right or top and bottom balance. The size and position of the elements is weighted against other concepts of balance that we have, and what we might consider normal.